untitled: Card Game

Chapter 22: Card Game


With the compound now finished and Conrard scared off for now, the mixed armies under Rowan's command set to fortifying the four gates that entered Death's realm - North, South, East, and West. In the North, there were the Starcs aided by various Ice Demons. They holed themselves up in the snowy cliffs and settled upon surprise tactics to best defend their gate. Nearly 100 laid in wait before the small portal, many more sitting in the trees, looking down upon the snow-covered trails as ice and snow whipped through the air.
On the Eastern side where the portals touched the Human Realm, several Neko Youkai, Haveran Elves, and a handful of Valen Angels had been placed in Human dress - aided by several skilled Death Angels who worked the area. They had in their arsenal guns and swords, concealed weapons. Their presence was not as obvious, but they would be quick to appear out of the alleyways and city streets should a problem arise.
In the West, there were the Jins lead by Roaden, all of which sat where the refugees had camped not too long ago near the road which Damien used to get to Death. It was a desert wasteland with little water, a cruel sun, and dusty dry atmosphere. The Jins, more used to mountain climate, could do well here when backed by caves that offered ample shade during the day. Catapults were set up and manned by Anaharaki warriors, all of which were skilled in desert fighting. Rei took partial command of the Death Angels there, for his presence was greatly needed. The Western gate faced the Sombs, where most of the enemy could come from.
Lastly, there was the South, guarded by Merians, Forest Elves, and a small gathering of Regular Angels. This faced the sea, which was least likely to be attacked, yet still a fairly vulnerable area. It was here they sought to place Rowen, knowing he would be ruthless, should any problems arise. Rughal stayed with him, if only to get out of the way of Rowan.
"I don't like it, love..." Rughal hissed as he sat on the shore, skipping rocks from boredom. "I don't like the fact that we're putting our lives in that BASTARD Angel's hands..."

"Nor I..." Rowen replied softly. "But this must be done, even if it is frightingly obvious that should problems happen, we will have difficulty." Rowen mused softly, shaking his head. "Death will get us out of here if he can, he does not fully trust Rowan, he is being careful." The bright lavender eyes flicked to his lover's, a sigh leaving his chest as he glanced back out to the sea.

"...I saw Dovinitas in the compound today," Rughal says softly after a long pause, holding another skipping stone in his hand. He turns it over and over, rubbing it with his thumb as he seems entranced by it. Rowen cannot see his face, but he knows that there must be sorrow in those smoky eyes. His lover is still in love with his first mate. It pains him even to think about Dovinitas.

"I know... I saw him as well." Rowen replied softly. "Try not to think about it Rughal, you cannot change the past." He reached out and gently stroked through the hair of the larger male, smiling at how soft and lovely his hair was.

"I still love him, Rowen...despite him leaving my ass in the dust, I still love him." He sighs and looks back at Rowen, pulling him down and into his lap for a good hard snuggle. His arms wrap around the other's slim frame and he buries his face into the other's neck. "Am I so weak that I would feel this angry about him working for Rowan?"

"You're not weak lover." Rowen smiled gently and caressed the arm of his second mate. "You're just a little... judgmental and easily annoyed." He smiled gently, kissing the hand of his beloved, nuzzling at him gently.

He growls lightly for that, mostly because he knows it's true. "Can you blame me? That man Rowan...you KNOW he has something to hide...He's a monster, damn it. Everyone should be able to see it, but they don't seem to! I don't understand it!" Rughal grumbled as he nuzzled against Rowen and enjoyed his company and the salt air.

"Yes... it is hard for people to look past the visage he wears to the man beneath him..." The small male mused softly. "There seems to be... two stories under the cover." he chuckled softly. "One side is a happy story... the other.... an evil, foul story and everyone would rather look upon the better of the two."

 "That Urius fellow isn't much better...He has so much to hide." Rughal growls. "I pity Ceata, honestly. He's been miserable as of late...he even snapped at me when I said hello to him, another reason why I fled to here. -_-;; " Rughal sighs as he cuddles close to Rowen and enjoys his warmth. The sun is setting slowly over the ocean, leaving golden-orange flecks on the waves. 

"It is hard times lover." Rowen replied softly, leaning in and nuzzling gently under the chin of his other mate. "We still have births to look forward to... and hopefully a peaceful ending to this whole ridiculous mess!" He snorted and sighed, sinking more against the other male.


"...Peaceful...it's never peaceful. One war leads to another. We can only pray that us fighting against it will make a difference," Rughal grumbles as he is a pessimistic mood. He cuddles close against Rowen before beginning to kiss his neck lovingly, those hands slipping along Rowen's thighs to caress them. "At least Varun is home now...I'm glad for that."


"Yes... having him home makes me feel much better." Rowen smiled. " I missed my eldest..." He sighed and nuzzled at his other male gently. "He's gotten much smarter.... he will be a fine Scholar someday...."


Rughal smiled gently. "I wonder where he got so much brains...It certainly wasn't from my genetics," he jokes as he pets the other's hair and runs his hands down Rowen's back. The other's slender body presses against his so perfectly. Even though they have spent many years together, Rughal can't help but feel a fiery passion deep down whenever he's this close to Rowen. It's like that same burst of desire he felt whenever he was with Endymion...though...he'll never have the Angel again. It makes his heart ache and he buries his face against Rowen's soft pale flesh.


Rowen smiled. "Me and Lazarus of course." He snorts and giggles, kissing at his lover adoringly, caressing his skin with soft, smooth fingers. How wonderful it is to have such a lovely mate all to himself! "But you gave him your fire... I know if he feels strongly he will follow that feeling until he has exhausted it or found another thing to feel strongly about."


"Is that why he's after that pissy little brat Angel? I swear...he picks up my bad habits...and for blonds, no less." Rughal rubs his chin, frowning as he caresses some of the stubble he's growing. He looks so much older now, less of the young cocky whip-wielding menace he used to be. He quit smoking, has a little grey in his hair, and some worry lines on his forehead. The stubble tends to come and go when he gets the time to shave, but he does end up doing a lot of affairs for his mother...something that certainly doesn't please Rowen, as Rughal's mother is a BITCH. Still, it was the conditions of their being together - Rughal gets Rowen if he takes responsibility for his role as a Prince until a substitute is found...which very well could be his cousin Seichiro, simply because he's far more qualified to rule.


The small male chuckled, leaning back and giving his lover a slow kiss. "Mmn... must be." He chortled playfully, "Lazarus seems to like those with pale hair too.... hmmmm..." He mused coyly. "How cute." His small hands slid against the larger male's, toying with his lovely long fingers. He sighs softly in delight, kissing at those lovely digits.


"It's weird having Sahenna back, though..." Rughal says as he lets the other kiss his hands, smiling upon Rowen for how doting he is. Rowen really is such an exceptional lover. His considerate nature knows no bounds, perhaps that's because he's the Death Angel for children. "I'm used to him getting angry really easily or using foul language or generally maiming things...I don't know how to act around him, especially with that face. He's cuter than he used to be."


"He is without his hurt and scars." Rowen replied lazily. "I far prefer him like this. He doesn't hate me like he used to." Rowen chuckled lazily, leaning back into the larger form of Rughal. "It is odd though, but I am getting used to it slowly."


"Well, you hardly spent as much time with him...I remember when I first met the brat," he says with a frown, caressing the other's chest gently as he presses Rowen's back against his chest. "He was about 14...pissy as hell...He fought me at every turn, so I simply whipped him into submission and he seemed to calm down after that. He was given to us by a man in black - how that man got into CRISIS to save him, I'll never know, but it was all rather suspicious. In the end, I don't know much about him...only the foul-mouthed bitchiness I experienced while he was my servant."


"Ahhhh.... well he raped me a couple times, so I REALLY prefer him like he is now." Rowen drawled and kissed under the others chin. "You'll get used to it sweetness, don't worry...." It was odd, but Rowen liked the change. Lazarus seemed to find it nice too, though he enjoyed rousing the other into vigorous fucking.


"The fact that Lazarus is pregnant is even MORE weird....I caught him sitting in the kitchen last night, eating all manner of weird foods...I had to walk away slowly, almost afraid to say anything. I just don't know how to react to him anymore," Rughal says softly as he pets the other's hair, watching the surf roll in slowly and crash against the rocky beach.


"What was he eating?" Rowen chortled, peering up at Rughal. "He would have been forced to have babies anyway. He'd royal blood, he has to produce multiple children to carry on such fine bloodlines." He yawned, snuggling closer to Rughal to enjoy the warmth of his fire demon.


 "True...but it's weird to see such a strong man being impregnated by a 28-year-old. The age difference is obvious and the fact that Sahenna looks so much younger makes me a little ill. It would be like you impregnating me....That's a little weird, if you ask me," he says as he tweaks the other's nose.



Rowen laughed softly, catching the hand of his lover as his little nose was tweaked. "You're so silly Rughal." He purred and leaned back to steal another kiss. "It will not be as odd as say.... Faust getting pregnant, or Absinthe for that matter.  Neither of them like the idea of carrying children in their bellies."


"Yes...still, I don't see why they must be forced to have children...and with whom, really? I don't see anyone else with such strong bloodlines as theirs," Rughal sighs as he lets the other nuzzle against them, watching the sun setting slowly into the waters. It is like fire being extinguished by the ocean, the clouds appearing like crimson and orange-colored steam as it rises along a grey-purple sky.


"It is important, as Death says, to keep the bloodlines fresh and infused with new traits. The shadowshifter blood overwhelms that of other races, picking out traits that would make for a stronger, more cunning child." Rowen yawned and smiled up at Rughal. "I don't believe Absinthe will be forced to have children since he is so set on never having them, but Faust will produce another child with either a male or female and Doll will do the same. They adore children, so it would not be so hard for them. Exodus is refusing to have anymore for the next few hundred years." Rowen laughed.


"I wouldn't blame him, with how many brats he has running around," Rughal grumbles, though he looks wantingly towards Rowen, scooting up close. "...but....I don't know.....do you think you might want to again?" he asks, running his hand along the other's arm as he cuddles against his beloved's slender back. "Certainly not now, but...since our boys are getting so big, I don't know...it might be nice to raise another few children."


"I wouldn't mind at all Rughal." Rowen yawned. "We just have to ask Death to make me fertile again when we're ready." He smiled, leaning closer, feeling the heat from the larger body as well as the firm muscular frame. How pleasant it was to be so close to this man. He and Lazarus were opposites, one fiery and the other calm and cool. They set each other off well and Rowen delighted in the two types of love he got. Such wonderful mates....


"I love you, you know..." Rughal whispers as he dips his head lower to caress Rowen's ear with his lips. His hands wrap around the other and they sit there for a long while until the last rays of golden light have been extinguished by the sea. As they sit by the sea, other forces move almost a world away. There is a darkness lurking dangerously close to the gates of Death's realm, waiting and watching for their chance to strike. As night comes once more, they slink back into the shadows...Patient...alert. Soon, they won't have to hide anymore.


"Oi! Ceata! You gonna come join some o' us Jins in our compound fer some cards?" Jingarther asks as he peeks his head into the dining hall. Everyone has just finished dinner, Ceata remaining to nurse a glass of wine and stare forlornly at the wall. Though he has his mates to comfort him, he's had an increasingly troubled feeling lately. He grips to the silver locket around his neck, given to him by Urius, and runs a fingertip over the scrawling writing on the front, strange writing that he has yet to decipher.



he pale male looks up slowly, raising his brows. "Cards....?" He murmurs and then stands, nodding. "I think that would be nice, gimme a minute to finish this." He says softly before tipping his head back and downing the glass in one swift chug. The wine goes to his head for a moment as he stands with eyes closed, glass lingering on his lips. So good....


Jingarther waits for him as Ceata finishes his wine and then follows him into the hall. They head through an archway and out the gates. There, surrounded by a smaller wall than that of Death's, is the small compound comprised of several dozen low buildings. The mortar on the wall is fresh, everything is new, as it had just been built that day and the night before. It is amazing how quickly everything was erected - just like magic. Then again, there were quite a few mages involved..."Come with me! Our compound is over here, with the soldiers barracks."


Ceata followed, his robes rustling against him. He had been dressed up today since he had been speaking with the lords and ladies they were working with and he did not want to appear to be a slutty teen when he had more to him then his sexual vices. He smiled, following after Jingarther with a lazy rolling step, looking about the new compounds with interest.


"That's the infirmary...that's the mess hall...that's the Starc compound..." Jingarther goes around, pointing the buildings as they pass them. Ceata can see lights through the newly placed windows, seeing people moving about inside. As he passes by one of the long windows in the Starc compound, he sees a familiar form leaning over a desk lit all around by candles. A lonely figure, surrounded by only his work, pathetic in his own way and yet so frustratingly cruel. "...Oh! And that's where Lord Rowan stays...and that's the church...and..........hey. Ceata? you coming?"


The young male stared through the window for a long moment, a possessive gleam in his eyes before he shook his head and nodded. "Yeah... sorry, saw something interesting." he replied softly and hurried to catch up with the Jin angel. "There is so much that has gone on recently, such fine crafting... I cannot believe this was all made not so long ago." He smiled slightly.


"It was made in two days!" Jingarther says proudly as he walks along, pointing to the Jin compound just ahead. "Each regiment was responsible for buildin' their own compound buildin' to the plans Rowan had already finished! Real good stuff, I tell yah...We all got right inta it, an', with the help of the mages, got all the work done in a day. Not half bad, I must say...though, we're still workin' out the interiors, it's good enough to stay in," Jingarther says as they pass by the Starc compound and that window. Ceata does not bother glancing back, knowing he won't see Urius looking back at him. Instead, he heads forward to where the bright glowing lights of the Jin compound suggest activity. There is the sound of a fiddle playing and laughter and noise - a warmth he had missed.


Perhaps there he can drown himself in laughter and enjoy the warmth of the Jins. Such good natured, loving angels. They always seem to be able to bring a smile to him even in the worst of moods. "Ahhh... well, the interior usually takes more time." Ceata mused softly. "Since there is the whole personal touches and such." He grinned at Jingarther. "I'm sure you'll be putting up pictures of Crixa near your bunk, yes?"


Jingarther had the modest nature to at least blush, looking over at Ceata with a shy gaze. "No...I dun't dare. I dun't want anyone else seeing how cute she is an' tryin' to snatch her up..." he replies, meaning every word. Any sensible hot-blooded Jin male would do anything for a woman like Crixa. Already, a few are trying to get in on Jinasen's territory, causing the Jin some alarm when his cousins are hitting on his wife. "But I did put up a pretty love letter she wrote tah me...It smells like sweetpea."


"Awwww.... how sweet." Ceata cooed adoringly. "That's good, don't want anyone snatching up your little darling. Does she come and visit you at the barracks?" He asked curiously, tilting his head as he gazed at the other male. He found it charming the little innocent relationship between the two younglings. Their romance would hopefully developed into something deeper then puppy love, but only time would tell. Crixa certainly seemed to love Jingarther very much!


"Well...no...b-but we do meet in the gardens sometimes...I dun't want her gettin' scared off by my weird family...an' we have to hide from her dad," he says as he rubs the back of his neck and looks a bit sad. He wishes desperately to be good enough to date Crixa, though her father-mother Alter seems not to like him very much. 


"Ahhhh.... trust me, keep being a good boy and treating her well, and Alter will get used to you in time. He had a bad run in with angels and he's not very trusting of them anymore." Ceata replied softly. "He's afraid for his baby girl because he loves her dearly and doesn't want her getting used like he was." Ceata patted the others arm. "It'll resolve it's self if you keep trying."


"I hope so..." Jingarther says sadly as he opens the tall wooden door to the Jin compound. At once, they are bombarded with the warmth, the smells, the laughter, and the lightness of a typical Jin household. There is much laughter, a fiddler and flutist in the corner playing to the delight of many squealing children. A Jin wife places several hot sweet bread buns on the table, where the men grab them up to dip them in their ale. There are young lovers in the corner kissing one another, Jins recounting grand stories over games of cards and dice. As they enter, they are greeted by Jinasen all dressed in his uniform with his wife on one hand and a drink in another. Adorna looks rather cozy, having been a lot happier now that Jinasen is around.


"Oi! Come on in, boys! The game just started!" Jinasen calls over the loudness of the whole family. it's like a tavern, really.


Ceata smiled, Adorna winking at him coyly as he came into the bustling Jin compound. Yes, he likes this much better. He was well aware that Doll and Faust had been wanting to come and party with the Jins, but work kept them away. Poor fathers! Such whining from the two was amusing.  The tall young male moved in, looking about with pleasure in his bright eyes.


The Jins welcomed him with pats on the back, desirous looks, and warm smiles. The women were gruff and commanding, but oh-so-gentle when it came to their babies and their lovers. The men were rough and tumble at times, but had loving hearts and gentle natures. They, like many of Death's kind, just wanted to have fun. They believed that life was only worth living if you could laugh, unlike the stuffy Valens, Maestars, Tenshihana, and Starcs. They were an entirely new breed of Angel - one that would fit in well there.


"A toast to our guests and Lord Death!" Jinasen yelled out, getting hoots and hollers back. An old grisly Jin raised his glass and cawed out.


"May he live a million years more, the good ol' bastard!" The old man cried out, a younger Jin patting his back.


"May we get tah be under his roof for a good long time - fer the good beds, the good women, and the good wine!" Everyone cried out a hurray to that one.


Ceata chuckled and rose his glass as well, bright eyes peering about happily. He wished... he wished Urius could enjoy this sort of thing instead of wasting his life away doing paperwork and being the whipping boy of his master. But still, Ceata must enjoy himself and he cracked a grin. "And to  my fine fellows the Jins, whom I'm sure will live long and find many a fine lover to warm the night." he winked coyly and tipped back the glass Adorna had shoved into his hands, drinking the lot down like anyone possessed of no gag reflex would be able to.


Seeing him drink like that, there were more than a few regaling comments and encouragements, as any Jin loves a drinker. At once, a swarm of them dragged Ceata away from Jinasen and Jingarther, setting him down at the table, shoving more gut-rot ale in his hands and handing him some cards. The game was rather simple, involving two decks - the idea was to assign "magic numbers" for each player and then have them try to gather them all before the others. The games could take hours and hours at a time, especially with two decks, but it was always fun to play in large groups where stories would be told while the cards exchanged hands. Ceata threw his lot in, a simple pair of wooden chips to represent money, and was given cards. "Oi! Jinder, get this boy some mutton an' bread!" the head of the game called. Ceata looked up, seeing Jinaven smiling back at him with his one scarred eye and his wolfish grin. Jinder, the woman that had been rushing about taking care of children and cooking food, glowered at him slightly.


"Go ask yer own damn wife, you lazy git!" she grumbled, smacking him with a ladle before going to give her own husband and boys some soup.


"Damn...sorry, Ceata...looks like you ain't getting no good home cookin' tonight." 


"I get plenty of that from my mates." He replied cheekily and looked his cards over with a feral eye. The ale was delicious, rich and dark and it made a rumbling purr escape the slender male. His mismatched eyes danced and flickered with pleasure, enjoying this chance to relax and enjoy himself as he had not allowed in the last couple of days. It was surely a lot healthier then what Urius did to himself.


"Oi! We got one! We got one!" a young Jin cried as he ran into the room. Ceata looked up and blinked, seeing a couple of older boys dragging in a young Starc who was kicking and fighting like all hell. The boy was put down into a seat and handed mead and ale with lightning speed - he did not look happy.


"Jinervar, this is incredibly inappropriate! I was in the middle of training! I demand you take this....this...God, whatever you eat, out of my hands and let me leave!" the young man snarled, only to be set upon by his Jin friend. A struggle ensued and someone ended up doused with ale - the Starc.


"Ha! Serves you right, boy...Rowan's orders. Ain't no one to be workin' after hours...we need our rest fer a battle, should it come," Jinaven scolded at his back, the older Jins laughing too. The Starc did not look impressed, standing and wiping the ale off him with sharp black eyes surely incensed. However, though he stood there gloomily, he was soon offered a mug of ale by one of the pretty little Jin girls...Only then did he take it, but begrudgingly.


"Happens all the time, them Starcs not followin' orders," Jinasen said, catching Ceata's attention as he sat behind him, Adorna cuddled up close as they drank Ale from the same mug and caressed each other lovingly. "They think they're back in Tenshihana...ain't so. We ain't got massive amounts o' soldiers 'ere. We gotta conserve ourselves. They dun't understand that."


  "All work and no fun exhausts a man." Ceata replied simply, glancing at Jinasen out of the corner of his eye as he dealt a card and won some chips with ease. He was rather skilled at cards, a little smirk playing at lush pink lips. He made his parents so very, very proud! "Especially when it comes to the Starcs... they work far too hard and far too seriously."  He smiles evilly, taking more chips for himself. Feeling relaxed, he allows his shadows to come out and roam around the Jins as large dogs. They won't be seen as strange or frightening if they have a more animal appearance and dogs are big, jolly animals that will make the children happy and won't seem so out of place as large shadow people would.


A few Jins are a bit startled, but the children easily pounce upon them and try to ride them, laughing happily in their rowdy play. Ceata pays no mind to them, merely looking down at his cards as he thinks about how Urius must be doing, settled in his chair, pouring over his work with those intense eyes...Ceata can remember walking in on him as a boy, seeing how focused he was. You could call his name twice and he wouldn't answer. Only when Ceata tugged at his clothes or crawled into his lap would he break himself from his spell. What was it that was so fascinating about all those dusty papers and boring old tomes? Surely, it would never be as good as this. "Aye, you are right, my lad...That's why we catch any Starc we find working an' put 'em in here. Then we give 'em some ale an' they usually sleep real nice....Starcs an' Tenshihana are damn lightweights...well........except for......"


Ceata smiled. He knew who they were speaking of. He leaned back, smiling slightly at the Jins, eyes lidded and a thoughtful look on his face as the card game went on. Starcs.... such a strange bunch, so much more interested in working themselves to death it seemed. His shadows were quite happy to entertain the children and beg for scraps and booze, their antics making the shadowshifter relax even more knowing that the shadows were enjoying themselves as well.


It was then that the door banged open and the whole procession of yelling, music, laughter, and such seemed to stop. The Jins all looked up at the same time, the children even stopping in their play, to see none other than Rowan stepping through the door. At once, all of Ceata's comfort drifted away like so much air. Rowan smiled so beautifully, the Jins at once realizing who was there to greet them and scrambling to get the best chair, the best ale.


"Welcome, Lord Rowan!"


"Good to see you, Lord Rowan!"-


"Will you be staying with us, Lord Rowan?"


The warmth in all their glittering silver eyes almost made Ceata sick. They obviously did not know this man as he did. Rowan stepped in wearing simple clothing, looking fresh from work as he still had some ink stains on his delicate fingers. He accepted the ale graciously and took a seat, smiling.


"I've just come to take a bit of a break...war plans do keep you so busy." Rowan now settled, the rest of the Jins seemed to go back to what they were doing, though there were whisperings and adoring gazes from everywhere. 


Ceata felt his skin crawl, ignoring Rowan in favor of claiming more chips from the Jins he was playing with. His belly had knotted and his shadows were staring at Rowan as if curious, when in reality they had their hackles up. A child distracted one of the shadows and then the rest relaxed, enjoying the patting and nuzzlings of tiny Jin children and the occasional pat from a larger adult.


Still, Ceata could not rest. He felt those emerald eyes upon him - eyes far more frightening than that of any monster. Their beauty hid something so sinister, and that smile...that smile was from the Devil. "I see even our Shadowshifter friends have come to join us this evening. Hello, Adorna. Hello, Ceata," Rowan said in turn, nodding to both. His eyes lingered on Ceata, however, and the youth found himself feeling trapped. At least he could hide partially behind his cards.


Those green eyes upon him caused him to shiver a little. He could feel them slowly rake down his body and linger at where the brand mark was, proclaiming Ceata property of the man now gazing at him. He licked his lips nervously, not sure why Rowan was watching him, focusing on him so intently. Whatever the reason, Ceata did not like it. Quickly, he took up his ale glass and sipped from it, nodding slightly at Rowan as Adorna gave him a lazy little smile, busy toying with Jinasen's beard.


"Urius should be on his way shortly," Rowan said to Jinaven then in seeming light conversation, though his eyes were upon Ceata. "Set up a chair next to me. He'll sit there when he's finished with his work." Ceata felt a cold sharp stabbing jealousy at his heart, but tried to bite it down. Oh, so that was it...Rowan was taunting him.


Just what he needed when he had been enjoying himself. The young male sighed, gritting his teeth and continuing to pretend he was fine. One of the bigger shadows padded over and sat by Rowan's feet, placing a large, wolfish head on the man's lap. Pale eyes stared up curiously at the angel, as if demanding pats to the large wedge shaped head. It made an odd churring sound and yawned.


Rowan looked down at the animal and smiled, petting its muzzle gently. His touch did not please the animal, however, for it backed away as if knowing the danger it was in. The other shadows seemed to keep their distance too, wary of this man that smelled of something worse than death. "Well, shall you deal me in?" Rowan asks as he takes his chips and puts them in. Ceata's eyes flicker towards him, anger in them. Rowan merely smiles as he takes up the cards he's been given and begins to play. He begins to rack up quite a few chips, at least equal to Ceata's mound.


Feeling suddenly competitive, the young male begins to play seriously. He has a thoughtful expression on his pale, perfect face, an elegant hand under his chin as he sips at ale and looks his cards over. Having Rowan here ruins his evening, but he might as well make a game of it. Surely Rowan is not a master at the game of cards?


What Ceata didn't know is that Rowan was just about a master at everything. He easily worked his way through the game, picking up cards, discarding them, trading cards, and then earning chips. Ceata grumbled when he found that one of his cards was picked up and then used by Rowan to steal one of his chips....That was maddening. "What's the matter, Ceata? You look rather serious."


"Hmmmn?" He looked up lazily, raising a brow. He felt like smacking the other down hard and perhaps give him the biggest beating he'd ever had right here, right now, but that would be childish and stupid. "I was hoping to bet, but seeing how good you are, it'd be foolish of me to put my money in peril." He replied with a wry smile at the other male, the locket about his neck glittering as he leaned forward.


Rowan's eyes caught upon it and he stared at it like a fox looks at prey. A flash of red in his eyes and then it was gone...no more hint that Adonis was there but the smoldering of evil behind that beautiful smile. "Perhaps then it would be wise for you to quit while you're ahead...After all, Ceata, you must know that I always win." His smile was enough to make Ceata want to bite his face off.


The shadowshifter laughed, shaking his head and plucking his ale back up. He'd drank enough to have a pleasant flush on his cheeks, but he was far from drunk. "Perhaps I should... to go against one with such luck, I'd be foolish." He replied coyly, acting submissive and non-threatening. If he began to show as a threat, he did not doubt that Rowan would attempt to get rid of him.


Even so, it was almost more than he could stand when the door opened gently and he heard the sound of heavy boot falls behind him. He turned just in time to be brushed by Urius' coat as the man stepped forward like a somber soldier and sat where he was told. He had no expression, staring forward with a coldness that was quickly approaching artic. His difference was astounding.


"Oi! Ale, Urius?" Jinaven offers, but the Starc merely shook his head.


"No, thank you. I am fine."


Ceata slowly averted his gaze, turning back to his cards as his turn came around again. His heart throbbed, aching at the stony iciness of his lover. How... how fast it seemed that Urius has changed into something not so nice. He made Ceata's belly hurt, just looking at him was painful and the shadowshifter kept his eyes away from him and did not speak to him.


Rowan reached up and softly caressed Urius' cheek, smiling. "Good, you finally shaved and cleaned yourself up...You haven't been taking care of yourself lately," Rowan says in between turns, petting that soft clean skin as Urius looks forward, utterly drained. Ceata really was the only thing that made him a good man. Without that connection to think about anymore, he's become that icy stone statue from before. Without Ceata's sweet innocent smiles, his love, his playfulness...Urius is a shell - weak, pathetic, and indifferent.


It hurts, but Ceata cannot allow his anger or his sorrow to get in the way of clear thinking. He stares indifferently at his cards, playing a hand and stealing chips from Rowan with a faint smile tugging at those lush lips of his. To think that that little child would grow into such a heart throb... and one with a brain no less! He turns his smile away from Rowan as he asks for more ale, his elegant neck exposed, littered with hickies from this morning with one of his lovers.


Rowan merely smiles back and grasps at Urius' collar and pulling it back to reveal bruises - his bruises. Ceata feels a cold harsh anger fill him at the sight of them, knowing those are fresh from only a day or so ago, perhaps only hours! Another thing that Ceata hates about Urius staying away from him is the fact he has no way to protect his lover, as those bruises clearly show. While Ceata is distracted by such rage, Rowan steals back double his chips and smiles sweetly at the other. "Better luck next time, little one."


Lips sit in a tight little line, Ceata's eyes give a dangerous flicker. It's there and gone before anyone else but Rowan notice it and then he is all smiles and a faint chuckle, turning his attention from Rowan as if he is no more interesting then a butterfly pinned to cord board. He takes out of his pocket a pipe, putting something in it before he lights it and takes a long, slow pull from it. Adorna makes an excited sound behind him and slips it from his hand as he blows out smoke. The herb is calming and leaves him happily fuzzy without numbing his mind.


"Urius, go get me a drink," Rowan says as he dismisses the other as casually as a servant. Urius gets up and walks over towards a table where various wines and ales are sitting. He pours Rowan a drink, watching Ceata out of the corner of his eye....That last move...was very dangerous. Showing Rowan something like that would make him know just where Ceata's weaknesses were. Urius feared for his lover, wished he could say something, but knew that Rowan would beat him if he did. Rowan had found this new tactic of denying Urius even thoughts about Ceata very effective. Urius was breaking...without Ceata, he would break.


Ceata glanced over at Urius as if watching something queer and curious. He looked ragged, his health was surely fading under the torment of Rowan-Adonis and Ceata desperately wished to help him. But he could not simply kill Rowan, as much as he wanted to, violently. Oh yes, how lovely to have that angel's blood dripping off his white fingers. A slow smirk spreads on his lips as he takes the pipe back from Adorna and puffs at it while playing, keeping himself calm as he speaks softly with one of the Jins, chuckling over some silly little thing.


Ah, but if Ceata killed Rowan, it would thrust Urius into utter despair. Despite Urius denying it, he loves Rowan deeply. There is something between them that Ceata knows he cannot touch - an obsession that has been going on for ages which causes more than a little jealousy. Urius is willing to die for Rowan, to give him anything...but there is still that lingering question of why. As Ceata calms down with his pipe, he watches the way that Urius acts around Rowan. It's strange, but...what he had assumed before to be blind stark fear now looks like...anxiousness. Yes, it's as though Urius is anxious for the next order, as though he is ever-willing to appease Rowan's wrath...as if.............as if he's done something wrong.


Whatever that may be, Ceata can only guess at. Perhaps a link into their past? Something that Urius had done that had left him like this, so very willing to be degraded and used. It was saddening, but life seemed to be that way these days. Ceata smiled lazily and flicked his eyes to Rowan. "Do you smoke Rowan?" He asked softly, lips pressed lightly to the end of the pipe. He looks gorgeous, seductively gorgeous, though he is not trying. It is in his nature.


"No...I'm afraid I consider it a very nasty habit," he replies with all due cheekiness. Urius is back beside him with the wine, settled down in his seat and staring off at nothing. He seems to be awaiting with his every breath to move and do something that Rowan wants, like a guilty child ready to appease. Such is the connection between the two...a love fueled by guilt. How pathetic.


Very pathetic. Ceata smiles and nods. "Depends on if one smokes all the time." He replied lazily, " A little indulgence does the body good, but too much rots it and leads one down the road to a rather nasty death." He yawned, suddenly glancing toward the doors as Absinthe stumbles in, clinging to Jinevae who is tickling at him and making the godling wriggle away from him with loud peals of laughter. His hair has been tenderly braided up and out of the way, a flush on his cheeks and a pleased expression on his face. They'd come to grab a quick bite of food and he has not noticed Rowan, too busy enjoying the affection of a much greater man.


"Well...Good to see you, Sir Absinthe." His voice. Absinthe freezes in place like a frightened animal caught in the sights of a vicious predator. Indeed, Absinthe is like a little rabbit in this eyes of a wolf. Rowan smiles to him with an unimaginable amount of seductive charm and an all-too-knowing smile. "I see you're having fun with Jinevae. Care to join us?"


Before Absinthe can give a very quick no, Jinevae pipes up with his broad goofy grin. "Ooh! Cards? Of course! Come on, Absinthe-sama, let's play cards.  I promise you'll love it."



 Oh gods no he would not! But he cannot deny that big, goofy grin that has been making him smile so much today. He nods slightly, some of his hair coming out of his braid and falling into his eyes. Ceata watches the young male with curious eyes, noticing the tensing, seeing that all too knowing fear in those pale eyes before it is gone. Absinthe is into this deeper then Ceata and the elder feels sorry for the poor young godling. 


"Why don't you come sit beside me, Jinevae...bring Absinthe with you," Rowan said as a Jin woman already began to set up chairs. Rowan's eyes followed Absinthe coldly, the beautiful young godling only then noting Urius. As if to suggest something, Rowan absently caressed Urius' throat, just where the vein would be. A killing blow would be far too easy there...far too easy. It reminded the gorgeous youth of his deal and he shuddered, staring covetously at Rowan and yet feeling such fear around him. Oh, Gods, and Ceata was watching him too! It seemed as though all the players of this little drama had shown up, making Absinthe's stomach tighten with fear. A big shadow dog walked up to him and nuzzled him. 


Absinthe clutched lightly at its shadowy fur, feeling some reassurance with them roaming about and staying close to him. He waits before slowly sitting, hating Rowan, loving him, feeling a horrible feeling deep in his gut that if he should stay longer, something terrible would happen and it would be his fault for having come here looking for dinner. Ceata watches him, that shadow animal remaining with Absinthe, giving him something to cling to as he sits.


"Wow, gee, thank you for inviting us..." Jinevae says with a warm smile as he accepts ale and hands one to Absinthe. The other just about swallows half of it, feeling the need to somehow to sedated during all of this. Rowan's presence is intoxicating. Those hands...those hands gave him such vicious pleasure, such burning pain. Absinthe is addicted to it and yet terrified. Oh, and the man! The man beside him is the key to yet more of that pleasure, to the love and domination the Godling craves to validate himself as a powerful God. Urius is his key to happiness and yet...to kill him would be to ruin Ceata completely.


And what sort of man would he be to do that to his own nephew!? He drinks down the second half of his ale and asks for more, feeling the shadows resting its chin on his thigh, resting beside him and keeping Absinthe calm as well as safe from being foolish enough to go after Urius. That shadow could rip off his leg quicker then Absinthe could kill Urius and he is NOT stupid enough to try to be faster then the shadow.  Ceata passes Absinthe the pipe and the young godling puffs at it needily.


"Goodness, feller, dun't do that to much, or you'll drop dead," the old grisly Jin says as he puts down his cards and picks up some chips. Absinthe isn't listening to him, watching gently as Rowan's slender hands pick up some more cards and steal two more of Ceata's chips, a deliciously cruel beauty about him tonight. Perhaps it's the fact that he has Urius at his beck and call...perhaps it's just the fact he knows he will win. Either way, it leaves Absinthe unsettled.


Ceata yawns. He is feeling a little sleepy, very relaxed even with the tension. He smiles lazily, allowing Rowan to steal his chips as he wishes. Ceata wishes that that dream Urius were real. Adonis can never own that one, that one was all his, forever and ever... or at least till it grew tired of him. Ceata would not have let him grow tired if he had been real. But alas, there is nothing of the sort waiting for him. Absinthe passes back the pipe to the other, a little sigh of pleasure leaving Absinthe as he enjoyed the affects of the herb.


Rowan sat back and toyed the card he was intending to play against his lips. The sharp edge indented against the soft pinkness, proving just how soft that mouth could be. Eyes seared intently into the deck in front of him as he waited for his turn to pick a card, waiting for his chance to steal yet another one of Ceata's chips. Urius sat beside him and continued to watch Ceata out of the corner of his eye, though kept a keen eye on what Rowan was doing. Though Ceata thought that Urius had been spending the entire game staring into space, he was actually using his peripheral vision to keep an eye on what his lover was doing. He watched then as Ceata lazily toyed with some chips, his graceful fingers caressing them almost cruelly. Urius shuddered, remembering the strange dream he had and the pain still on his back... 


Ceata played his next hand, this time stealing chips from the Jin to his left. He smiled cutely at the man, coy smile devious behind the sweetness of that lovely face. His hand slid over the chips gently, plucking at them as if he were plucking at the tender nipples of a lover, tempting them until they were taut and sore. Such a temptation Ceata presented!  Absinthe watched Ceata, eyes drifting to Rowan off and on though he tried not to. Rowan was just as tempting, if not more to him.


Rowan then picks up his next card, as it is his turn. He smiles then and takes the remaining chips he has and puts them on the table. The Jins seem to look at one another, a few making whistles at such a gutsy move. "Woah...Lord Rowan, Sir...wagering everything I see on your next turn?" Jinaven asks as he looks down at the chips, seeing a rather hefty sum right there. Rowan merely smiles.


"I enjoy tempting fate once in a while...Do any of you care to contest me?" he asks, a few Jins looking to each other and putting down their hands. Only Ceata keeps his cards.


Ceata smiled sweetly at him. "Why not?" he replied, "A little excitement seems to be in store." He shoved the rest of his own chips onto the table before the other, cocking his head thoughtfully as he puffs at his pipe and plays with his cards. Absinthe watches silently, not liking this at all. What were they doing? Rowan was playing some sort of game, a cruel game.


Rowan merely smiled and then set down his cards, causing several Jins to curse, a few to moan in defeat, and Ceata to just about drop his pipe. All seven of Rowan's remaining cards were the "magic" ones that were assigned to him - a feat nearly impossible so early in the game. Jinaven, the official head of the game, tallied them up and nodded. "Shit, sir...looks like you cleaned us out." Rowan merely smiled, so sweetly, as he stood and collected his pile.


"I told you, Ceata...I always get what I want..." Rowan said casually as he glanced over at Absinthe, the Godling shivering.


Still frowning, Ceata laid down his own cards. "Do you?" He asked. The cards before him were all his own 'magic numbers', laid out neatly before him. He smiled slightly and cocked his head. "It would seem..... that we are tied." he uttered softly and took a slow puff on his pipe. "Interesting...."


The Jins all gave uproarious cries, patting Ceata on the back. "Woah! The rookie tied with the master! Ha! good goin', kid!" Jinasen cried out, patting Ceata on the back. Jinaven did the official business, looking over the cards and nodding.


"Yup...S'a tie...but, since Ceata only put in two chips an' Rowan put in' three, we gotta divvy up the winnin's as equal to what yah contributed. That bein' the case, Rowan gets 2/3, an' Ceata gets 1/3. Aye?" Jinaven says as he looks between the two men. Rowan merely smiled and nodded, letting Jinder count out the chips and hand them to Ceata.


"Well, well...looks like I still came out on top."


"Well of course, Rowan." Ceata replied distractedly as he was given his share. "But sometimes coming out on top does not have the same... satisfaction." He passed the pipe back over to Absinthe and before the other could flinch back, tugged him over by the hair for a rough, hard kiss over the chips. Absinthe's eyes went wide and he tensed, fisting his hands in the front of Ceata's robes as he melted and nearly sank onto the table.


Rowan only smiled, keeping his eyes locked on Ceata. When Ceata looked next, after leaving Absinthe a literal puddle of goo in his seat, he saw Rowan's hand gently press against Urius' face. It was a gentle touch, but it was possessive. Those fingertips grazed over his shoulder, his arm. Rowan slipped his hand down until he grasped Urius'. Ceata could not see what was happening, for Rowan's hand was under the table, but Urius soon let out a soft gasp of pain, followed by an excruciating expression. Oh, dear...he must have broken a finger. Urius bent over a little bit, struggling not to cry out in agony, thankful for the noise that the Jins were making, far too concentrated on Ceata to note Urius.



 Ceata licked his lips, eyes on Rowan. Absinthe blinked in confusion, smoke coming out of his mouth since Ceata had kissed him with a mouth full of smoke and now Absinthe appeared as if he had a fire burning in his belly. He flushed, sitting back in his seat with the pipe as Ceata leaned on the table. "So, Rowan. Care to play another sort of game?" He asked slowly.


Rowan quirked a brow gently, still with his hand on Urius', likely tugging at that broken digit to make the other curse lightly under his breath. Urius had his free hand on the table to steady himself, but it was easy to see that he wanted to fall forward in pain. He kept himself relatively steady, if only so that no one would realize what was going on. With so many Jins in the room, everything being so crowded, how could they note what was happening before their eyes? And, really, if they did and asked about it, Rowan had the authority to dismiss their suspicions or to force Urius to lie. "Oh? What sort of game, Ceata? I rarely play anything not worth my while." Rowan's smile was so devious. 


"I feel like wrestling, but I highly doubt someone of royal angel birth to even know how to wrestle." He drawled, "Card games are fun and all, but I find a little hands on entertainment much, much more appealing. We could even bet." He sighed sadly, glancing at Absinthe. "You'd always wrestle with me, wouldn't you Absinthe? I know you were the champion last year during that festival while I was away...."  Absinthe nearly glowered at Ceata. Damn him including him in his damn games! He flushed and nodded. "Well yeah...." He murmured.


"Well...wrestling? I'm afraid I have no interest in such sports. However...if you're really looking for a bet, perhaps we could wager on Absinthe here. If he can beat my Urius, I will gladly give you all of these chips I've earned," Rowan replied, tapping the table where the chips were. Urius' eyes widened, knowing he had no chance of winning in his state...all that would be accomplished would be more pain. LOTS more pain. Absinthe also seemed to bristle at the idea of wrestling with Urius...Having stared at Rowan for the entire game, all he could think about was killing Urius and gaining complete control over the man he loved and yet despised. With this kind of competition, it would be easy to just slip and end up snapping the mortal Angel's neck....All that remained was the question of if Ceata wanted to put Urius through that kind of hell, especially now with a broken ring finger.


Ceata seemed to ponder if for a moment before giving a most fierce feral smile. "By all means!" He purred, looking adoringly at his nephew. "Please Absinthe?" He crooned gently. "I'll get you something nice if you'll do it for me." Absinthe frowned, but nodded slowly, hands folded before him and body tensed beneath his clothes. The chance being presented to him... was amazingly easy.


Urius looked to Ceata then as if someone had just broken him in half and Ceata had ordered them to. His heart cracked, but he remained silent. The pain shooting up and down his arm meant that he had no chance at winning this. Still...what Rowan wanted, Rowan would get. "Very well then. Let's get them prepared," Rowan said as the Jins gave a hoots and hollers, rushing to go and set up a ring. They pulled the card table aside and set down heavy straw mats that wouldn't move. Everyone seemed to come out of  their barracks to watch, filling the common room with people and some standing on chairs in the hallway. Urius was taken into a room by Rowan, his hands wrapped to hide the face that his ring finger was broken and braced. They took off his shirt, further humiliation, as it revealed all his scars and bandages. The burn was uncovered, at the center of his back. 


Ceata took Absinthe and readied the male. Absinthe was flustered, but silently let his nephew take off his shirt and leave him in the loose pants he had been wearing after his romps with Jinevae. There was something... frightening about Ceata right then. The look in his eye was feral and vicious, the smile tugging at his lips grim and humorless. "Be a good boy and win for me..." Ceata breathed, tugging Absinthe down and staring into his eyes pointedly. "And don't you dare harm Urius." He breathed and Absinthe's blood ran cold, the knowing look in the eyes of his uncle making a tiny whimper escape him. He knew that Absinthe was jealous of Urius, but could it be that Ceata knew more then he had been letting on!?


Absinthe was taken into the ring and several young Jin males shouted cat-calls from the crowd. They were quieted by one frown from Jinevae, who was known to scold someone silly if they did anything inappropriate towards his beloved Absinthe. He stood nearby, looking to the one he loved and trying to offer encouragement. Absinthe couldn't think. He was staring forward at the image of Urius as he came out. His arms were bandaged all over, a portion of his chest. Even the crowd seemed to go quiet as they saw bruises, cuts...and a single brand at the most sensitive part of his back, right between his wings. Urius was trying so hard not to look completely humiliated and mildly frightened. He faced Absinthe, his eyes flickering with hints of violet. Rowan stood behind him, leaning up and whispering something. With that, Urius' eyes got fierce. He would not lose...he could not lose.



Absinthe shifted, feeling exposed and uncomfortable as his pale eyes met those of Urius. It was like fighting dogs, one minute they were wagging tails for their masters and then the next their eyes had met and their fangs were exposed. Absinthe tensed, feeling a sudden hatred for Urius. Rowan was always with him, always and Absinthe was merely a plaything until he used him up or grew bored.


Ceata watched Urius coming out, smiling faintly. He was not in a position to see the mark on Urius' back, for if he did there would have been a clatter as Ceata dropped his ale glass in stunned shock. But he did not, looking upon Urius' naked torso hungrily. If he could not have him, he would enjoy the sight of him struggling to win. He would enjoy it well.


Jinaven nodded at the two as he stepped into the ring between them. "Alright, boys! You is gonna fight fair 'ere or I'm gonna bust in an' beat yah both witless, yah got that? Now, first person to be on the mat for ten count gets out. First person to get outside the ring gets out. First person to give up gets out. Aye?" Jinaven asks to both of them, looking between them. Urius didn't trust his voice at that moment, knowing it was marked with the pain from his hand. He simply nodded, glaring sharply at Absinthe.


The godling nodded, muscles tensed in nervous excitement and barely held back violence. He waited till the Jin called for them to start, eyes locked on Urius, watching his movements and ready to pounce the other with all the nervous tension rippling through the lean, young body. Rowan must have been laughing at him, delighting in what was going on.


Oh, and he was. He watched with those piercing green eyes now flecked lightly with, not red, but gold. Their viciousness held a more desperate tone as Rowan allowed Urius into the ring. Urius was in so much pain, he didn't dare make the first move. He was willing to count on his ability to deflect more so than to attack. The two circled for a minute, the Jins crying out and jeering, trying to get both of them to do something more than just glare at each other. "Urius!" Rowan called out, catching the other's attention for a moment. Their eyes locked and Rowan smiled. "Don't fail me again." Urius flinched, guilt clearly written on his face as he turned back to Absinthe. Don't fail him....again?


Ceata glanced over at Rowan at those words. Ah....that was it. His eyes flicked back to the two, his pipe now in the possession of Adorna as she watched with Jinasen. Absinthe was growling softly now, tensed, agitated and now moving in such a manner as to make Urius nervous. The young male's pale eyes watched him like those of a starved beast, wanting to devour him whole.  There was a moment of calm and then suddenly Absinthe was upon him.


Urius barely had time to react, catching the other with his bad hand and crying out for it. Luckily, the Jins were cheering too much for them to note Urius' gasp of pain. Absinthe loved it, feeling blood rush to every part of his body as he grasped Urius and tried to pull him down. Urius faltered, but would not fall. He used his weight and pushed the other back, but not for long. Absinthe was huge and strong. Urius was weak. As the two fought for dominance, Urius swiveled them around, his back now to Ceata


Ceata's eyes could not have gone wider the moment he spotted the thing on Urius' back. He felt... as if his stomach has suddenly dropped into his feet, his head spinning as he spied that thing between the shoulder blades of Urius. Oh god, oh god.... oh fucking god! Absinthe snarled at Urius, his muscles bunching in a most appealing manner, his eyes glinting fiercely as Urius and he struggled against each other, straining.


Urius would not give in, much to Absinthe's surprise. Though his face was twisted in the utmost agony, he fought as though he did not have that disability. What ailed this man?! Could he not see that he was useless?! Why did he try so hard to get between Absinthe and Rowan? Then again, would not Absinthe do the same were he in Urius' position? That obsessive burning love for Rowan was something they shared...still, the Godling could not give HIS mate to such an inferior male. He would have to take him down.


Absinthe growled softly, giving Urius a vicious push and nearly knocking him to the ground with how hard he slammed into the other. His long braid whipped about as Absinthe went for the others middle, intent to knock the fucker down hard. They went down in a tumble of limbs, Absinthe on top and Urius gasping for breath beneath him.


It was then that Urius caught sight of Rowan, the other's eyes looking down at him. They were cold and unfeeling, but his lips were what entranced Urius the most. They mouthed something, something that made his blood boil. "You are worthless." Moments later, Absinthe was suddenly startled by an immense force against him. Just as Jinaven had started the count, Absinthe was suddenly on his back, Urius' elbow jammed against his throat. For a split second, he saw red, that arm cutting off his air. When he looked up at his attacker, he saw there.....glowing violet eyes. The coldest feeling ran through Absinthe and he felt himself feel hollow, as if someone had torn away every last bit of happiness he'd ever felt. Urius stared down at him like this, those eyes intent to kill.


"...Three! ....Four! ....Five!....Six! ....Seven!....Eight!..."


Absinthe felt his vision blur. He was losing consciousness. He clawed at that arm, digging into the bandages, into the skin.




Absinthe struggled helplessly, clawing down the others arm as he fought for breath. Those eyes... those eyes! Absinthe stared into them with terror in his expression, they were so cold, so very cold and they burned into him, leaving the young male feeling hollow and sick. There was the matter of air being needed in his lungs and in desperation, Absinthe ripped into the others back with long claws, hitting the still unhealed burn mark between the others shoulder blades.


Urius only slowly smiled, a look of pleasure almost crossing his face as Absinthe made him bleed and marred his skin. That, above all, was the most terrifying thing. At last, as though time had stopped its crawl, the sound of Jinaven's hand slapping the mat for the tenth time echoed in Absinthe's ears. "Ten!!" The Jins quickly rushed in to break the two apart, pushing Urius back and nearly making him skid to Rowan's feet. Jinevae was the first one to reach Absinthe, snarling at Urius.


"What in the hell were you trying to do?! KILL HIM?!" It was the first time Absinthe had ever seen Jinevae's rage...rage over him, concern for him. He really couldn't say much of a thank you at the moment, just trying to get his lungs working again. Urius sat there, completely in shock. His bandages had opened and his eyes were back to normal...but his hair. It had grown a little, perhaps a fraction of an inch, but it had still grown. Urius looked terribly confused, unaware of what just happened. All he remembers was giving into his rage and then....black.


Absinthe gagged a little and coughed up a tiny bit of blood from how hard Urius had been pressing his arm into his throat. He groaned, coughing more before petting Jinevae's side. "It.... itsh otay...." He slurred, hacking more before shaking his head and sticking out his tongue at the taste of bile in his throat. His throat was marbled with bruising from the pressure, making it look like he had a collar about his throat.   Ceata looked slowly up at Rowan, his brows knotted. "You win Rowan.... what was it you wanted?" he asked slowly, eyes flicking to Urius nervously, a haunted look in his eyes as he gazed at the others back.


"Your locket." The word rings like a hateful echo in Ceata's mind. His hand instinctively goes up to touch the silver piece, the last thing he has left that keeps him close to Urius. It is his only tie, his link to his lover that cannot be with him. To take it away is to break Ceata's heart. Urius seems to know this, looking up to Rowan in a panic. His arm throbs painfully, probably having broken his finger further, but he's not about to let his master do that to the one he loves.


"R-Rowan....please......please, don't -" he starts, but is silenced by a glare. Rowan then looks back up to Ceata, smiling.


"That is all I want."


"Then you receive nothing." Ceata replied coldly. "I am not giving this away." His eyes narrowed, an almost hateful look in his eyes at the very thought that Rowan would try to take this away from him as well. "Find something else you want, or you can go empty handed."  Absinthe hacked again near Ceata's feet, shaking his head again as he sucked in more air.


Rowan narrowed his eyes, disliking being denied. Even so, he was not about to make a scene here - he was much too cunning for that. "Very well...then I shall come and claim a more suitable reward when I wish," Rowan said with a smile, gathering up Urius as the other was being glared at forcefully by Jinevae. A lot of the Jins glared at him, for they loved Absinthe and the Shadowshifters as one of their own. The hate that should have been placed upon Rowan was instead upon Urius' shoulders. How cruel and blind the world could be...Still, Rowan got up and collected his chips slowly, Urius behind him in his weakened state. He stopped only momentarily beside Ceata, whispering. "Even if I don't get it now, Ceata...I always get what I want." With that, he said goodbye and walked out with Urius hobbling behind him. Urius cast a glance to Ceata, so glad that the other stood up when he could not. Ceata really was the better man...Urius found himself ashamed and turned away to follow his master.


Ceata watched Rowan leave with head held high and a slight frown on his lips. Absinthe was breathing easier now, head hanging and a croaking laugh leaving him. "Urius certainly knows how to choke someone." He rasped, smiling shakily. "I don't b-blame him... I was going to bash his face in to win if I had to..." He rasped honestly and Ceata glanced down at him with one brow raised.


"Absinthe-sama...." Jinevae said softly, caressing his lover's cheek and making worried sounds over the wound at his neck. It was slowly disappearing though, but it was obvious that, with a little bit more time, Urius would have crushed Absinthe's windpipe. The Jins seemed rather tense at first, worrying over Absinthe, but there seemed to be a general relief had amongst all when Absinthe showed he would get over it. The mat was replaced by the card table and life went on as normal, though Jinevae looked especially incensed about what Urius did. "That was uncalled for! U-Ungentlemanly! I....why, I was just about ready to get in there and beat him blind!" Absinthe worries about that, seeing as he probably wouldn't have won. There was something about Urius...something that utterly terrified. It was like Adonis, only...only far darker.


"It's fine Jinevae." Absinthe soothed shakily. Earlier he would have been so angry that he would have gone after Urius and tried to beat him up, but he had learned that it was not wise to do such a thing. Only foolish children and idiots did such things. He sighed, breathing heavily. "I'm hungry... can we just grab something to eat and go back?" He asked shakily.


Jinevae nodded, helping his beloved up and gently caressing his neck. Absinthe was so warmed by Jinevae usually, but right now he just felt cold. Even Ceata observed the strange way Absinthe was acting...as though...as though he had seen his death - and not the one we know and love - and come back to tell the tale. Ceata himself was still reeling over the image of his family's crest burned into Urius' back. Was that.....was that real? 


How could it not? Rowan certainly did not have the crest and why he'd want to brand the crest of Ceata's family line in the exact place that Ceata remember putting it in that dream, was beyond him. The young male shivered, watching Absinthe and the big Jin with him go and get food, Absinthe being quiet so he does not damage his throat anymore then it was. What was going on here?

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